WIMMA Capstone logo

A Project Based Learning Environment

WIMMA Capstone is an innovative project learning environment at Jamk University of Applied Sciences.

About WIMMA Capstone

Purpose and Structure

  • Duration: WIMMA Capstone spans approximately three and a half months.
  • Objective: Students engage in project-based learning, aiming to develop production-ready solutions.
  • Challenges: Partner companies, research programs, and universities pose real-world problems.
  • Teamwork: Students collaborate in multidisciplinary project teams.

Project-Based Learning

  • Agile Approach: Students move swiftly from idea to execution.
  • Real Problems: They tackle challenges provided by external entities.
  • Methods: Agile practices like Sprints and Kanban boards drive solution development.

Teamworking and collaboration

  • Power of Teams: WIMMA Capstone emphasizes effective teamwork.
  • Cross-Disciplinary: Students work together across different fields.
  • Project-Based: Learning occurs through practical problem-solving.

Contacts and Networking

  • Experts: External experts provide valuable insights.
  • Networking: Students connect with company representatives.

Introduction Course

All students will join introduction course. After introduction course you can select two different paths as OBSERVER or HANDS ON.

Introduction Course 3 ECTS is available also as EUDRES studies


  • Agile Development
  • Quality Assurance
  • Softskills and practices
Eudres Logo turquoise
intro course photo

Introduction Course

Introduction course is mandatory for all Capstone students.

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Course Structure

This is just a preliminary plan for the future. There will be two different paths: Observer and Hands On

Observer project 3 ECTS

You will join introduction and you can monitor project during project time

Hands On project 15 ECTS

You will join introduction course 3ECTs and also work as a team 12 ECTS

Course Schedule

  • 2025 Introduction Prototype [rampup]
  • 2026 Introduction + Observer and Hands [Running]
  • 2027 Introduction + Observer and Hands [Running]

Course implementation

Check the schedule here

intro course photo

Projects in progress or delivered

If your company has fresh idea, or an existing product idea that you want to bring in life, you can suggest it to WIMMA Lab as an assignment. You get to work with a virtual company where students develop an idea further and produce working prototypes and proof-of-concepts.

give an assignment photo

Propose a project ?

Set an assignment and provide a shelter to grow wings

Give an assingment
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Projects in progress

Do you wanna know what we are doing just now or what we have already delivered? Please take a look here:


About learning outcomes

What you can learn during project?

WIMMA Capstone on (EUR-ACE) European Network for Engineering Accreditation and is currently evaluating SFIA Skill Framework

  • Technical Skills
  • Softskills
  • Networking
  • Co-operation and cultural understanding

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Several skills under development

Read more about skills which you could develop further by project based learning

About skills
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Support materials

Here you find support material for the domain of software service development and engineering.


Support Materials for project

Here you can find support material to be used with your project working.

Development, implementation and delivery will need support

  • Agile Development
  • Dev+Sec+Ops+Test
  • Teamwork

Open Project Platform (OPF) as hearth of workflow

WIMMA Capstone project are using by default common project framework and standard tool chain flow for project deliverys. This solution workflown is called as Open Project Framework.

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Introduction of OPF

Using Open Project Framework as foundation for project management

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How to co-operate and support us?

If your company has fresh idea, or an existing product that you want to improve, you can suggest it to WIMMA Lab as an assignment. You get to work with a virtual company where students develop an idea further and produce working prototypes and proof-of-concepts.

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You can come to WIMMA Capstone to share your knowledge about the topics of assignments or about general project work. At the same time, its easy to promote your company to students.

Read about Mentoring
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Freedom of Speech

You can come to WIMMA Capstone to share your knowledge about the topics of project working in different sectors.

Read about Freedom of Speech
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Freetime Activity?

Sponsor a fun event for WIMMA Capstone, like a picnic to a nearby park, arrange gaming session, and chat with students about your company. Promote your workplace in a casual setting and recruit students that are the best fit.

Read about Freetime Activity

Project Showroom

We have been delivering several projects before WIMMA Capstone, but all evidences are using common workflow which has been developed in co-operation with WIMMA Lab teams and stakeholders. All project are using standard project work folder structure + Gitlab workflow with tool integrations. This setup is called as OPF.

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Project Case 2

WIMMA Lab 2023 / Team Mysticons
- Broseidon Product Platform

Check Documentation

How to participate in WIMMA Capstone

Get in touch and succeed in student recruitment!